JBES Weekly Newsletter
October 4th, 2024
Important Dates:
Early Release: Wednesday, October 9th Dismissal @ 12:35pm
Flu Clinic: Thursday, October 10th
Columbus Day NO School: Monday, October 14th
Picture Retakes: October 30th
Coffee Chat & Sit and Sip
Join Principal, Phyllis Bellemare for another Coffee Chat on Thursday, October 17 from 8:30am- 9am as well
as a Sit & Sip on Friday, November 1st from 2:45pm- 3:15pm. Topic of discussion will be Developmental
Stages: “What to expect at certain ages”.
Food Drive for End 68 Hours of Hunger
When: October 21st
Where: JBES Homerooms
Why: End 68 of Hours of Hunger provides meals for 179 students in SAU9. This initiative is dependent
on donations so please open your hearts and pantries as it takes a village!
The class with the MOST donations gets to “choose their adventure” with Mrs. Bellemare so start the
brainstorming! Think, a pie to the face, a bucket of water poured on her, a classroom party, etc.
Conscious Discipline Series for Parents and Caregivers
NCES, working with the NH Statewide Family Engagement Center, is offering a free online Conscious
Discipline series for families starting on October 16th. For those who attend at least half of the sessions (4 of 7),
there is a $20/session stipend available for participating. https://bit.ly/cd4families
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is almost here! The autumn fair will be open from October 28th to November 4th
Students will browse the fair library class to create wish lists and can visit the library during scheduled fair
hours to make purchases.
On Monday, November 4th, families are invited to come shop the book fair after your student-led conference(s).
We will be open from 1pm until 6pm. We accept cash, credit cards, or e-wallet. Please see the attached flyer or
visit https://www.scholastic.com/bf/jbes2024 for more information about the fair or to add funds to your
student’s e-wallet. Happy book shopping!
Bartlett Recreation News & Happenings
Adventure Kids~ An afterschool program for grades K to 4th grade. Right after school until 4:45pm, Monday
to Thursday. There is a late bus available. Limited space, when registering, please let us know for the month. It
helps with planning staff, etc. October Registration forms are available via our website
https://bartlettrec.org/adventure-kids-2024/ and email.
Taste of the Valley~ is on October 27th, 5pm-8pm at Attitash Grand Summit. There will be samplings from
some of the finest restaurants, eateries, brewers, and bakers. Live, silent & choice auctions as well. This is an
Adult Only event, with a cash bar. There are limited tickets available, $40 each & available by calling Bartlett
Recreation at (603) 374-2331 Ext 8174. If you would like to donate auction items or join us at a sampling station
to promote your newest signature dish, or advertise your catering company, we would love to hear from you!
The Holiday Craft Fair~ is on Saturday, November 2nd from 9am- 1pm. Looking for crafters. Information and
applications can be found on our website at https://bartlettrec.org/holiday-craft-fair-2024/
Holiday Wreath Fundraiser~ Bartlett Rec is once again selling beautiful double-sided wreaths and kissing
balls. Orders are due by October 27th. Order forms and prices can be found on our website at
https://bartlettrec.org/wreath/ and on the Bartlett Rec. bulletin board outside the gym.
We have a new phone number, (603) 374-2331. To reach Annette Libby: Extension 8126 or Nancy Kelemen:
Extension 8174.